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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Ghost Article: MacBook Hacked in Security Contest 2

I'm going to try the rapid-response, no-formatting method again.

MacBook Hacked in Security Contest
Posted by CmdrTaco in The Mysterious Future!
from the caught-with-your-pants-down dept.
TheCybernator writes
"Macaulay, a software engineer, was able to hack into a MacBook through a zero-day security hole in Apple's Safari browser. The computer was one of two offered as a prize in the "PWN to Own" hack-a-Mac contest at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver. The successful attack on the second and final day of the contest required a conference organizer to surf to a malicious website using Safari on the MacBook -- a type of attack familiar to Windows users. CanSecWest organizers relaxed the rules Friday after nobody at the event had breached either of the Macs on the previous day."


hack into a MacBook:,1000000189,39286793,00.htm

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Ghost Article: MacBook Hacked in Security Contest

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  • Has anyone ever hacked classic OS as long as file sharing was turned off? AFAIK, it may have had some multitasking and memory shortcomings (with workarounds for savvy powerusers), but security wise it was pretty decent with a default install.
    • Well, if you count trojans... I got hacked on a Wang dedicated word processor back in the early '80s. My friends found my (8 inch!) floppy and put a file on it called "STARTREK". Excited, I ran it... and it deleted all the files on the disc.

      We could have gotten them back -- we'd long since hacked around and figured out how to undelete files -- but in a fit of anger I crumpled the disc and threw it away.

      I think the definition of "hacking" changes with the technology.

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