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Journal Engineer-Poet's Journal: Oh, fudge 1

I got on the scale this morning and found that I'd fallen back. WAY back. I don't know if it was the pasta or the one lapse with fries for lunch (salt), but pretty much all my progress was lost.

I guess it was all water. I'm going to have to work much harder (and watch my diet very closely) to make real strides.

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Oh, fudge

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  • I expect as much as a three to five pound variance in a 24-hour period. There are too many different factors to make it regular. One of the things that they (whoever they are) say is not to weigh yourself every day. But I always have - I just do not take the individual numbers as gospel on my progress. Look for trends - for you, see what you weigh tomorrow. When I was serious about losing weight (unlike the last time, when I used the Divorce Diet and just did not feel like eating), I graphed the daily

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