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Journal mr_stinky_britches's Journal: wait, Slashdot used to be fun!? @#$!@, I missed it. 6

Apparently the trolling on slashdot was of substantially higher quality in the olden days, see here. Are there any free ways to get onto usenet, since /. is now basically 99.999+% 'corporatized'?

Slashdot is on a steady decline towards the likes of digg (that of a mindless link farm). The firehose feature is especially digg-like and lame.

** UPDATE ** -- Does anyone know what happened to this site (it is no longer maintained?! I am interested in finding a replacement for the increasingly dull slashdot.

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wait, Slashdot used to be fun!? @#$!@, I missed it.

Comments Filter:
  • Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
    • With a high uid like his he barely has a right to complain. ... but back on topic, yea /. is getting lame, but it still is generally acceptable. I have thought of several things I would do if I was going to write up a /. replacement but I don't have the willpower yet. Not to mention, /. isn't as bad as you/i might think, for all of its faults it still has many great features. Spend some time over a few beers (or other beverage) and see what your head comes up with, I have spent quite a bit of time contem
      • Bottom line: Slashodot still has one of the best, if not the best, signal/noise ratio for a public forum. Don't get me wrong, it has some major (IMO) flaws that need to be rectified, but I can't stand whiny bullshit like this. Contribute, participate or just go away. I actually wrote a really good comment on this a while back in a front page story that I was going to cut and paste as my original reply here, but I haven't been able to unearth it yet.
      • The code that runs slashdot, Slashcode [], is publicly available. So, assuming that this general interface is going to be acceptable, setting up a kick-ass alternative wouldn't be too difficult.

        I think it would be great to have a technology news resource without the constant slashvertisement and dupe noise that exist here.

        ak3ldama: If you're interested in investigating the possibility of actually rolling something out, please let me know.

        ** p.s. ** For the record I had a 5 or 6 hundred thousand UID at one tim
        • The code that runs slashdot, Slashcode, is publicly available. So, assuming that this general interface is going to be acceptable, setting up a kick-ass alternative wouldn't be too difficult.
          I agree, that the basic slashdot interface and logic is just about right - and the main-page colors couldn't be better.

          ak3ldama: If you're interested in investigating the possibility of actually rolling something out, please let me know.
          I'll friend you ... if you do so as well, then you'll be informed the day I put

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
