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The Matrix

Journal PoliTech's Journal: Google to users: Prove you're not a virus, or be terminated!

Via the INQUIRER http://uk.theinquirer.net/?article=40228

Google suspects users are not human

Prove you're not a virus, or be terminated!

In Philip K Dick's famous novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' 'bounty' hunters track down, identify and kill human-like androids, this time, ironically the situation is reversed ... it wasn't a human looking for rogue machines, but a machine (the GoogleMind) testing to see if it was a human actually performing the search.

Lucky for us humans that the GoogleMind isn't armed with anything more dangerous than pixels and text! ... yet.

Link has screen-shot goodness.

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Google to users: Prove you're not a virus, or be terminated!

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
