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Journal dh003i's Journal: Witch Hunt 2k


  • Thought the Salem Witch trials were over? Guess again. Brandi Blackbear, a student at Oklahoma's Union Intermediate High School, was accused of casting a hex on her teacher and thus suspended for 15 days. The ACLU has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Ms. Blackbear, who stands accused of "hexing" a teacher, which can be found here. Fearsmag and ABCnews have also written articles on this Oklahoma witch-hunt. Let me try to briefly summarize. I'll put the summaries in bold, the facts in type, and my comments in plain text.


  1. Right to privacy violated, illegal search & seizure performed by Principal Ojala and Counselor Miller. Because of rumors that Blackbear had written a violent story, Principal Ojala and Counselor Miller performed a locker search, under guise of trying to find a gun. Unable to find a weapon, Ojala and Miller stole Blackbear's private items and read her stories, eventually finding the violent story. Note, this is an unconstitutional violation of Blackbear's right to privacy and an illegal search and seizure. Also note that they further violated her privacy by reading her stories, which she had kept private.
  2. Due process denied in unfair and non-impartial kangeroo-court. Concluding that Blackbear was going to commit a violent incident, Ojala and Miller suspended Blackbear, held a kangeroo court in which she was denied due process and judged by those who could neither be fair nor impartial, and suspended for 19 days. Note firstly that there was no grounds on which to question or interrogate Blackbear, certainly none on which to suspend her. It was irrational and unfounded to assume she would commit a violent act. The "hearing" she was given denied her every conceivable right that could have been denied. A similar incident happened at my high school, Rush Henrietta Senior High, after Columbine. The Principal instituted an absurd policy banning trench-coats, and a student who had worn a trench-coat for years came in the next day wearing a trench-coat, as he'd always done. The Principal suspended him for wearing a trench-coat, violatiing his constitutional rights to freedom of expression & speech.
  3. Blackbear's social and academic status suffer because of officials' actions. Because of the schools' actions, Blackbear became a social outcast among students, the subject of ridicule and embarassment. Due to her suspension, she fell far behind in mathematics. Thanks to the schools' illegal and unconstitutional actions, Blackbear became a social outcast, subject toe the ridicule of her peers. Because of the suspension, she fell behind in mathematics; and as one topic in mathematics necessarily builds on the previous one, she suffered greatly in that area.
  4. Blackbear's rights to freedom of thought, speech, and religion were then violated in 9th grade Upon entering 9th grade, Blackbear took an interest in the Wiccan religion, and pursued independent studies of it. Thus, she was ridiculed and insulted by fellow students. It is an unfortuante but sad truth that teenagers -- like everyone else -- are intolerant of differing views. I personally find it rather amusing that those who believe in some magical invisible man in the sky -- who "loves them" but will subject them to an eternity of hell if they don't do XYZ -- feel that their beliefs are superior to those of someone who believes in a different invisible man and woman in the sky. All religions are equally stupid, illogical, and non-sensical, and no one has any standing to claim some higher truth over any other, none-the-less to ridicule any other.
  5. Accused of being a witch, casting a hex on teacher. Hearing that Blackbear was interested in Wicca, Bushyhead and Franklin -- the Assistant Principal and counselor for the Union Intermediate High School, respectively -- accused Blackbear of casting a hex on Mr. Kemp, a teacher who had inexplicably fallen ill and had been hospitalized. They repeatedly accused her of such until, tired and exhausted, she stopped denying it. Firstly, they had no business accusing her of causing this teacher's illness: teenagers do not need to be accused of this kind of bullshit. Secondly, anyone dumb enough to believe in witches, hexes, and spells should not be in any official position at a school -- they shouldn't have even graduated from high school. Only in the Bible-Belt state of Oklahoma could principals and teachers be dumb enough to actually believe in witch-craft. Apparently, they thought The Blairwitch Project was a biography, and that The Craft was based off of real-life. Next, they'll be burning witches at the stake.
  6. Right to freedom of thought, speech, and religion violated. Having accused Blackbear of being a witch and casting a hex on Mr. Kemp, Bushyheead and Franklin told her that she could not wear any paraphernalia related to Wicca. Deeming her a threat, Bushyead and Franklin suspended Blackbear for 15 days for causing a disruption in the educational process, 10 of which were spent supervised in school. Apparently, Bushyhead and Franklin were worried about Blackbear casting a hex on them too, thus made sure she was supervised. Note that they obviously violated her rights to freedom of speech, thought, religion, and expression. Furthermore, her suspension under grounds of "casting a hex" was completely unconstitutional, illegal, and bogus.
  7. The school's absurd allegations have caused emotional and physical harm to Blackbear. The school's claims caused and continue to cause Blackbear ridiculue and humiliation from her peers. The Principal's conduct has caused her to become an outcast. She does not feel comfortable. The school has caused her great pain, suffering, anguish, and has prevented her from obtaining a quality education. Nothing gets a zealous Christian's blood flowing better than crucifying a young woman for being a witch. Maybe they should tie a stone around her and throw her in the lake; if she doesn't drown, they can then burn her alive on a crucafix.

Conclusion & Suggestions:

  • The ACLU has made the following recommendations to the court, and I have suggested some additions. I don't think the ACLU goes far enough.
    1. Declare that the Defendants' actions violate the US Constitution.
    2. Enjoin Defendants, its employees, and agents from prohibiting Blackbear from wearing any religious item.
    3. Award Blackbear her costs, reasonable attorney fees, and other relief the Court deems appropriate.

    I suggest the following additions:

    1. Mandate that all employees of the school involved in violating Blackbear's rights be fired and jailed for: (1)Illegally trespassing on Blackbear's property (her locker); (2) Illegally confiscating Blackbear's property from her (tort); (3) Illegally stealing Blackbear's property (as it has yet to be returned); (3) Destroying Blackbear's property, as they have destroyed many of her works.
    2. Mandate that the school expunge any suspension from Blackbear's record, and mandate that they expunge all grades from Blackbear's record that she obtained while affected by this. She should be allowed to expunge any grades she deems unacceptably low, and re-take the courses, in her own time and at the expense of those who violated her rights.
    3. Mandate that the school and any officials involved make a public apology to Blackbear, and that the new principal of the school give a lecture on tolerance.
    4. Mandate that the school vouch for Blackbear when she applies for college, and explain the unusual circumstances which may explain any mediocre grades she received. If Blackbear has trouble getting into an acceptable college, the school is to be held responsible, and act on her behalf with the colleges.

    All I can say is that its amazing that this level of stupidity persists, even in the modern era. It really makes you question the system when Principals are dumber than the average X-Files conspiracy junky. How can people so ignorant and stupid be instituted as principals, counselors, and teachers? The habitual and unremorseful violation of Ms. Blackbear's rights is also disturbing. Teenagers rights do not magically vanish the minute they walk into a school.

Please post your opinions on this matter, be they criticisms of my position or argument, or arguments of your own.

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Witch Hunt 2k

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
