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Journal weeboo0104's Journal: Alex the African Grey Parrot passes away on Sept 7th, 2007

I'm sorry to say that Alex passed away last Friday.

I got the news from another member of my bird club who knew that Dr. Irene Pepperberg did a demonstration with myself and my Grey for our club a few years ago.

Irene's research was instrumental in helping understand the cognitive ability of animals (ironicly, her research started out as trying to help brain damaged humans rebuild cognitive ability through Model/Rival training).

Irene has a big heart and I know she must be crushed from this loss.
If you want to support her research with her 3 other birds (lab space and research assistants aren't free), please donate a check made payable to:

The Alex Foundation MS/062
Department of Psychology
Brandeis University
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02454
Attn: Alex Memorial

The Alex Foundation is a 503c not-for-profit organization.

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Alex the African Grey Parrot passes away on Sept 7th, 2007

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