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Journal athloi's Journal: Persistence, a virtue often unsung

Here are your recent submissions to Slashdot, and their status within the system:

2007-10-29 18:15:47 Hackers target IE7 URI flaw (Index,Security) (pending)
2007-10-29 16:56:32 Apple's behavior is repellent (Index,Technology (Apple)) (pending)
2007-10-29 16:09:58 UN warns humanity likely doomed (Index,The Matrix) (pending)
2007-10-29 15:04:24 Criminals turn hackers to get ID info (Index,Security) (pending)
2007-10-26 19:18:21 Computer security frustrated by users (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-10-26 15:06:18 Wall Street Rises on MS Vista earnings (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-25 19:55:47 Houston Slashdot party at Agora Coffeehouse 10/26 (Index,It's funny. Laugh.) (rejected)
2007-10-24 23:02:18 iPhone uses lame security model (Index,Portables (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-10-24 22:23:01 DRM-free movie released (Index,Patents) (rejected)
2007-10-23 18:45:22 Google pulls a Microsoft with new Google OS (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-10-23 18:14:27 DRM-free file sharing saves classical music (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-10-23 17:57:08 Researchers invent hand-held supercomputer (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-10-23 17:10:18 Google needs Mozilla, increasingly (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-10-23 15:46:10 Regulators avoiding investigating Intel (Index,Intel) (pending)
2007-10-23 15:25:53 10 Things MS can do to fix Vista (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-22 20:04:56 Microsoft prepares tiny version of Vista (Index,Microsoft) (pending)
2007-10-18 14:57:15 Seven states extend Microsoft antitrust judgment (Index,Microsoft) (accepted)
2007-10-18 14:46:25 Web developer salary and skills survey released (Index,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-10-18 14:40:38 Microsoft introduces mashup tool (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-18 14:26:25 Technology makes porn easier to access at work (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-10-18 14:17:29 Light to power nano devices (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-10-18 14:11:22 Ann Arbor using LEDs to replace incandescents (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-10-18 14:03:44 OSS used to punish competition is bad biz (Index,Patents) (rejected)
2007-10-15 19:02:44 Houston Mayor endorses green telecommuting (Index,Editorial) (rejected)
2007-10-15 18:18:11 Blog Action Day: the Environment (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-10-10 21:00:00 Worst thing about Macs: the users (Index,Technology (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-10-10 18:11:46 None dare call it genocide (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-10-09 19:22:33 Design for success by making software last 15 yrs (Index,Linux Business) (rejected)
2007-10-09 19:01:30 Google tools to power virtual worlds (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-10-09 15:29:59 YouTube a copyright paradox (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-10-05 15:14:17 Data center costs to rise with wattage (Index,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-10-05 14:49:08 Group says retailers should not store credit data (Index,Security) (accepted)
2007-10-04 17:03:00 Did Israel hack Syrian air defenses? (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-10-04 16:18:09 Positive moderation: "Post of the Day"? (Ask Slashdot,Slashback) (rejected)
2007-10-03 14:59:57 Setting the record straight on Windows Vista (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-03 14:36:08 Apple considering Intel chips for iPhone (Index,Portables (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-10-03 14:25:46 Windows Vista Reliability and Compatibility Update (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-03 14:17:30 Microsoft futures revenues will be 25% ad-driven (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-10-02 17:35:48 Most security problems originate in user (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-10-02 14:31:21 Online videos may conduct viruses (Index,Security) (accepted)
2007-09-27 15:04:19 Serious XSS vulnerability found in Gmail (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-27 14:40:05 85% of hacked sites use default passwords (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-27 14:28:32 Microsoft must abandon Vista to save itself (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-09-27 14:18:22 FedEx uses Half Life style virtual earth (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-25 19:49:42 Mainstream media finds AOL IM hole (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-25 16:02:13 Intel to downsize staff yet again (Index,Intel) (rejected)
2007-09-24 15:54:16 UN chief screams for global warming action (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-09-24 15:20:06 Is Apple going rotten? (Index,Technology (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-09-20 16:05:49 Why a Recession Will Help Google Rule The World (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-09-20 15:57:01 Google still launching gPhone (Index,Google) (accepted)
2007-09-19 15:47:18 Intel now supports Blu-Ray as well (Index,Intel) (rejected)
2007-09-19 15:34:37 Social networking users fill out false data (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-19 14:56:13 Apple may be next for EU anti-trust action (Index,Desktops (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-09-19 14:47:39 Windows Apps on Linux: WINE or commercial software (Ask Slashdot,Software) (rejected)
2007-09-19 14:27:36 Why Linux is not succeeding on the desktop (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-18 17:08:33 From media ethics to media anarchy (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-09-18 15:59:34 27 Tips for a Successful Blog (Index,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-09-18 15:50:27 Tech's brave women who lead startups (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-18 15:44:11 Apple looks out for my best interests (Index,Media (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-09-18 15:36:49 Wait for Vista to be ready, then jump in (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-09-18 15:28:35 Employee use drives business to accept Web2.0 (Index,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-09-17 21:46:55 Everything you've read about Vista DRM is lies (Index,Microsoft) (accepted)
2007-09-17 15:22:26 Workers cause more hacks than viruses (Index,Security) (accepted)
2007-09-17 14:29:43 Has smart money abandoned Web 2.0? (Index,The Almighty Buck) (rejected)
2007-09-14 22:18:11 OLPC gets price upgrade (Index,Handhelds) (rejected)
2007-09-14 20:38:49 Privacy policy for Sysadmin of the Year contest? (Ask Slashdot,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-09-14 16:27:34 Phone makers collaborate on flashcard format (Hardware,Input Devices) (rejected)
2007-09-14 15:45:45 Standard for server hardware released (Index,Announcements) (rejected)
2007-09-14 15:22:47 OSS browser forces cross-browser coding (Index,Mozilla) (rejected)
2007-09-14 15:10:31 Quicktime and Firefox bugs form exploit (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-14 15:00:29 Man jailed for spoofing Google (Politics,Google) (rejected)
2007-09-12 13:07:29 8 ways a competitor can bomb you out of Google (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-09-12 12:50:13 Incompetence, not hackers, dooms technology (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-09-11 22:10:19 Apple: We Don't Hate iPhone Hackers (Index,iMac) (rejected)
2007-09-11 18:12:33 Hacking the White House (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-11 15:43:10 Web2.0 widgets cool but "semi-useful" (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-10 14:58:15 Comcast shutting downloaders at mysterious limit (Your Rights Online,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-09-07 15:16:20 Alum hacks into university, busted (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-07 14:59:10 Apple obscures giant iTunes hole (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-06 17:28:00 Court decision may invalidate OSS licensing (Index,The Courts) (rejected)
2007-09-05 22:08:22 Abuse of trust threatens Web 2.0 viability (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-09-05 15:51:59 Firefox security holes still vulnerable (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-09-04 18:38:22 Linux market share at 1.34%, surpassing Win 98 (Index,Linux Business) (rejected)
2007-08-31 17:35:29 54% of CEOs dissastisfied with innovation (Index,Businesses) (accepted)
2007-08-30 21:13:21 community fights MS takedown (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-08-28 21:21:05 Google accused of aiding far-right in Germany (Your Rights Online,Programming) (rejected)
2007-08-28 20:33:36 The war to be PC maker #3 heats up in China (Index,Businesses) (rejected)
2007-08-14 16:20:47 Macs "easy" to hack because not updated li (Index,Media (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-08-14 16:10:35 Yahoo edges out Google in customer satisfaction (Index,Google) (accepted)
2007-08-06 19:23:11 Millionaires feel poor in new age of wealth (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-08-06 16:16:12 Social networking sites full of security holes (Index,The Matrix) (accepted)
2007-08-03 19:01:35 How to hack IRS? Call and ask for classified info (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-08-03 14:20:17 Wikipedia in mass panic over Colbert jab (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-08-03 13:39:35 Germans reject file-sharing paranoia (Your Rights Online,The Courts) (rejected)
2007-08-03 13:26:14 World's large PC makers gear up for China fight (Index,Upgrades) (accepted)
2007-08-01 17:30:04 Web 2.0 bubble may be worst burst yet (Index,The Internet) (accepted)
2007-08-01 16:27:52 Microsoft taking over SOX with XRBL via gov't (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-07-27 15:14:32 Report warns against well-meaning net censorship (Index,Censorship) (accepted)
2007-07-26 16:09:13 BMC software moves to Open Source (Index,Software) (rejected)
2007-07-25 21:56:25 VIA to compete with AMD and Intel @ 1333Mhz bus (Index,Intel) (rejected)
2007-07-25 14:35:09 Gibson: Google is interactive fiction aid (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-25 14:15:07 Computer program learns baby talk in any language (Index,Programming) (accepted)
2007-07-24 21:39:11 Apple stock falls on lower iPhone sales (Index,Media (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-07-24 21:07:29 Linux blind to average user's needs (Index,GNU is Not Unix) (rejected)
2007-07-24 17:47:09 No lack of talent, but lack of recognition in IT (Index,Media) (rejected)
2007-07-24 17:26:57 IEEE group settles on new Ethernet standard plan (Index,The Internet) (rejected)
2007-07-24 17:02:58 Intel open sources multicore code tool (Index,Intel) (rejected)
2007-07-23 23:24:31 Domain name goldrush returns (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-23 15:10:30 Should Newspapers Become Local Blog Networks? (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-07-23 14:49:26 Vista surging ahead of OS X (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-07-19 13:02:10 How exclusivity contracts define games (Games,Businesses) (pending)
2007-07-19 12:40:45 Corporate America embraces F/OSS (Index,Linux Business) (rejected)
2007-07-19 12:24:07 Apple patents the portable user account (Index,Desktops (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-07-12 16:26:06 Old Media and New Media come together (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-07-12 14:49:00 Microsoft "Cloud OS" announced to develope (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-07-12 14:08:37 Cellular networks should be open, says major news (Your Rights Online,The Courts) (rejected)
2007-07-12 13:57:12 Mainframes still popular for their stability (Index,IBM) (rejected)
2007-07-12 13:40:22 CEO online rants influence rival's stock price (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-11 21:55:49 US military leaks its secrets online (Index,Privacy) (accepted)
2007-07-11 15:35:24 Googling "how to crack a safe" pays off (Index,It's funny. Laugh.) (rejected)
2007-07-11 15:22:08 Intel lags on energy efficiency (Index,Transmeta) (rejected)
2007-07-11 14:58:58 Microsoft uses Server 2008 to boost Vista sales (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-07-09 21:23:02 Solaris to get Linux features (Index,Linux Business) (rejected)
2007-07-09 20:38:13 Blogs obsolete for in-depth content (Index,The Internet) (accepted)
2007-07-09 19:03:23 Neutral net needs twice bandwidth of tiered net (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-06 20:24:47 FTC OKs MS purchase of ad-serving company (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-07-05 20:03:32 Gadgets "threaten energy savings" (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-05 19:44:22 Singles, not albums, define music industry success (Index,The Media) (accepted)
2007-07-05 19:29:32 Shrink says gadget use "looks like addiction&# (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-05 19:12:46 Paper apologizes for publishing Wiki-fiction (Index,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-07-05 18:41:47 DirectX10 "wow" limited by current hardwar (Index,Graphics) (rejected)
2007-07-03 20:30:37 Movie industry follows music in falling fortunes (Index,Media) (rejected)
2007-07-03 18:46:29 ASUS grows giant, to split into three (Index,Businesses) (rejected)
2007-07-03 15:30:36 Credit industry opposes anti-ID theft method (Index,Privacy) (accepted)
2007-07-02 17:30:13 Russia waging cyberwar against dissidents (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-07-02 16:08:33 Roswell crash was real, not weather balloon (Index,United States) (rejected)
2007-06-28 18:20:59 Microsoft shuts down Longhorn Reloaded project (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-06-28 18:00:41 How Apple whipped the press into iPhone frenzy (Apple,The Media) (rejected)
2007-06-28 15:32:49 Dell selling hardware for Google (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-06-27 20:34:50 Microsoft to sell desktop PCs in India (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)
2007-06-27 20:16:09 Microsoft to offer free online storage (Index,Microsoft) (accepted)
2007-06-27 20:05:15 A warning for Apple from its own history (Apple,Businesses) (rejected)
2007-06-26 19:02:15 US demands digital biometric data from flyers (Index,Privacy) (accepted)
2007-06-26 16:35:42 Illegal software used to justify raid on modder (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-06-20 14:37:22 Dep't of Homeland Security hacked (Index,Security) (rejected)
2007-06-18 14:47:03 Google Video rebrands as video search engine (Index,Google) (rejected)
2007-06-18 14:33:18 American cities may be too big for good wireless (Index,Communications) (rejected)
2007-06-18 14:26:15 Wireless USB chip created (Index,Communications) (rejected)
2007-06-11 19:29:21 Texas makes green computing mandatory (Index,The Courts) (accepted)
2007-06-06 22:44:14 Technology writing influences literature (Index,Books) (rejected)
2007-06-06 13:01:27 OSS can benefit from branding (Developers,Software) (rejected)
2007-05-31 15:50:26 Music industry overstates damages (Politics,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-05-29 14:27:16 Indie software promoting Linux through price (Linux,Linux Business) (rejected)
2007-05-16 19:38:17 Modern society will kill you if it can (Science,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-05-14 18:15:10 Gov't requests sex offender data from MySpace (Your Rights Online,Censorship) (rejected)
2007-05-14 14:32:32 Music sharing a social, not ethical, issue (Your Rights Online,The Matrix) (rejected)
2007-05-07 15:37:01 The Eight-Hour Day: An excuse for poor planning? (Ask Slashdot, (rejected)
2007-05-03 15:33:45 Editor forced to quit over criticism of Apple (Apple,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-04-12 17:03:35 Emails can't be erased, says US (Index,The Media) (rejected)
2007-04-10 16:07:10 How to resurrect reputation (Ask Slashdot, (rejected)
2007-04-10 14:50:27 Internet use from work may be protected (Your Rights Online,The Courts) (accepted)
2007-04-04 15:41:12 Apple ranked last for environmental practices (Index,Media (Apple)) (rejected)
2007-03-26 21:17:50 Who's buying Windows Vista? (Index,Windows) (rejected)
2007-03-23 20:08:59 California sold Social Security Numbers on web (Index,Privacy) (rejected)
2007-03-22 15:44:36 Who invented the GUI? (Index,Microsoft) (rejected)

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Persistence, a virtue often unsung

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Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
