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Interesting, Lew Rockwell quoted by Counter Currents.

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  • Are thrown together, against the Illuminati.
  • Is it any wonder that the free marketeers would return to their LIBERAL roots? Only in America could progressive freedom fighters be called conservative in the first place.
    • Only in America would communists, socialists and marxist/maoist types be called "liberals".

      • Also true. America is EXTREMELY ass backwards on this- which is what I think have screwed up our conservatives in the first place.
        • All comes from the Marx-Lenin-Prussian side... get the minds messed up while they're young, and when they're old you've nothing but good serfs and puppets, ahem "production units".
          • Only partially. A large portion also comes from the anabaptist/Gnostic side- that this material world is just a moral test that doesn't really matter as much as your ability to stick to a morality. Thus opening up conservatives for the liberalization of trade and business- since those things don't matter anyway. At least, not when compared with the mass murder of the poor or the Rapture.
            • Frankly, I don't think the social engineers (read not the same thing as the hackers/crackers of yester year) aren't exactly that different from Marx, Lenin, Mao, etc, at least no more than those fellows were different from the pope and emperor Constantine and their ring kissing peons... ahem "worshippers".

              Seriously man, all the kowtowing through the ages proves one thing to me. This world most assuredly is a game, but the losers do so by becoming someone else's peon/slave. Ironically, most of those "faith

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
