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Journal Penguin Follower's Journal: Job Update [Edited/Updated] 1

Salary would be $40K
Standard benefits package
IRA after 6 months of up to 15% of your gross anually for you to do what you wish with.
2 Weeks vacation.

This is not as good as I had hoped for. I was hoping for $45k/year. At $40k/yr, it does take care of the cost of living increase (and a tad more), but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth moving that far away. Then again, my current employer knows something is up when I refused to sign the contract to get reimbursed for my exam fees. It would lock me in with them for another year. I want to keep my options open. If I break that contract I would owe them back for the exam fees at least. :(

What do you guys think?

I really don't think that $40k/yr is enough considering I have to leave friends and family behind. It's just barely more money than the cost of living increase. It would be like getting a $1500/yr raise, but things are slim now as it is for me in Dayton, so $1500/yr increase is not going to fix everything. At this point I think I should just play my cards right with my current employer until I see another job opening somewhere.
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Job Update [Edited/Updated]

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