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Journal nocomment's Journal: Surrounded by pedophiles 11

Some time ago I wrote about my sister's saga of getting molested by my step-dad when I was younger. I don't remember how far back, but it was a couple (few?) years now. I stopped talking to him, and my mother who stayed with him until recently.

NOW it comes to light that while in California my 8 y/o daughter was getting the treatment from my father-in-law. I'm leaving for Cali tomorrow. I hope to have the chance to mess him up, though probably not -- the police may have him in custody as of this evening sometime.

Can someone stop the Earth please? I'd like to get off now.

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Surrounded by pedophiles

Comments Filter:
  • but want to say something. i'm so sorry.
  • I am with you on wanting to do something about him.

    Just don't do anything stupid - your daughter can't afford to lose you too.

    Make sure he goes to jail for it is the best thing.
    • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
      I second that notion, as the father of three little ones. I can't imagine how I'd feel if put in your shoes, and I'm just left dumbstruck as to why so many people continue to commit such crimes.
  • As a survivor, husband of a survivor, and step-father of a survivor, is there anything I can do or say to help?
    • am i really that out of touch? is this really more common than I think?

      • by RM6f9 ( 825298 )
        I don't know about common - I do know that there are many just now learning late that there is NO stigma associated with surviving (having previously been made a victim of) pedophilic abuse. Some of the best of us have managed to turn poison into medicine, using their own experiences to help others cope - some of the rest harbor shame, pain, fear and hatred in a festering boil, waiting to explode - most (I suspect) live somewhere between those two extremes, not exactly advertising their past experiences, b
  • Before you go on a vigilante mission please think of the life your daughter would live with you being in prison. Don't give the bastard the satisfaction.

    Understand that child molesters are the lowest of the low in prison. He will be presented the opportunity for many years to come to experience just what it is like to be on the receiving end of molestation.

    No matter what you can do to him prison will do it better.

    As this is a major trauma for not just your daughter but your entire family I might ma
  • What's needed now is love. I wish it for you, your daughter and your family.
  • If it were me, Jesus, I don't know ... I would say my wife would have to hold me back, but I'd have to hold her back. I think we'd both be locking and loading. I (literally) pray you aren't as stupid as I probably would be, because, as has been said, it's better for your family if you don't.

  • You and yours will be in our prayers.

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