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Journal ak3ldama's Journal: Yay for personal freedoms! 1

Today we solute Maya Ababadjani for realizing that her freedom is worth fighting for. This woman is not even a Muslim, her parents were Lebanese Christians, yet some Muslims in Denmark don't want her to exercise the freedoms granted to her.

This is easily my biggest holdup when it comes to the religion of Islam. This is a religion, but it places such strict rules upon society. Chief among these is the oppression of minorities - and in particular women and religious minorities. Though there was originally a lot of good intent and indeed many strides made, this healthy growth did not continue. Did you know that in Saudia Arabia they didn't even allow Muslims to have as a manager a Christian? Technical merit out the window, yep, sounds like a great idea.

I absolutely hate the idea of being a dhimmi. (Though for others their fate was worse - assimilate to the religion or die.) I also hate the idea of Muslims rewording human rights so it can fit their agenda and world view. (Though they would say the same about the UDHR in relation to the Judeo-Christian world view.) Notice they say that they can not agree to the UDHR without trespassing the Islamic law! They cannot change their view, because if God told his will to his prophets then this issue cannot sway. For to change their view on the issue would mean that God is wrong which obviously cannot happen. Nevermind the possibility that the prophet/leader may not have perceived properly the will of God. I guess I am getting sick of the accommodation of the Islam socio-religion when there are such glaring problems. Being open minded and discussing the issues is one thing, being blind is another. I leave you with a small quote:

Even though so much Qur'anic legislation is aimed at protecting the rights of women in the context of marriage[54] women cannot claim equality with their husbands. The husband, in fact, is regarded as his wife's gateway to heaven or hell and the arbiter of her final destiny. That such an idea can exist within the framework of Islam - which, in theory, rejects the idea of there being any intermediary between a believer and God - represents both a profound irony and a great tragedy.

I could write more but I don't see the point. I just urge you to go to the library sometime and read about Islamic law. I apologize if I may have worded phrases wierd or wrong. The english grammar is definitely not one of my better strengths. It doesn't help that I read too much Tolkien with all of his long sentences.

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Yay for personal freedoms!

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  • I hear a lot from people who argue for "democracy", "social bargains", "majority rule", "social contract", "people power / popular government in control", etc.

    So lets see. One group (the muslims) actually uses the systems those socialist/fascist types claim are in place, and actually make it work, by taking over a whole bunch of countries without firing a shot and without dropping 50000 bunker busters on residences, hospitals and schools, and yet they are hated. I find it hypocritical at best, since the m

A motion to adjourn is always in order.
