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Journal Homr Zodyssey's Journal: Video Card Upgrade 1

My PC is about 3 years old. I've done some hardware upgrades in the past -- added RAM, new hard drives, and upgraded my video card once. However, I'm a programmer and my strengths lie in software rather than hardware. I don't do a very good job of keeping up with whats going on in the hardware world.

A few months ago, I started shopping around for some new video games -- mostly because it was my birthday and people kept asking me what I wanted. I realized that my ATI Radeon 9600 just didn't cut it anymore. Most of the newer games recommended (if not required) better. So, I also started trying to figure out what would be a good video card upgrade.

Much to my surprise, its hard to find a decent video card for my antiquated AGP slot. Add to that the fact that the ATI and nVidia seem to have changed their naming schemes a few times. I'm finding it difficult to determine which cards are better, are available for AGP, and are worth the price.

I would welcome any suggestions of where to shop and what I could hope for. I'd prefer to keep it under $100.

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Video Card Upgrade

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  • Whether you shop there or not, their site has a very good search that can narrow down the category for you. For instance, try this [] for AGP 4x/8x cards $75-$100.

    You can also try $100-$200 and see if there are any rebates that put the card back in your price range if you're willing to deal with such things. As for which cards are better than the others, you'll probably do best looking at review sites to figure that one out...

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
