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Journal ShieldW0lf's Journal: Malicia 3

Malicia is the art of a slave.

That is to say, it was evolved in Brazil by African slaves, preserved in the art of Capoeira, and roughly translates as "deceptive tricks".

It is the art of appearing weak when you are strong, as practiced and evolved by those who are helpless to prevent their own death at an enemies whim.

Cringing as though afraid, standing on ones face as though awkwardly fallen, feigning injuries, these are all tactics practiced by master Capoeiristas.

These become even more apparent when you watch the Angola mestres.

It is an interesting look through the eyes of an oppressed people.

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  • Oppression breeds strength.

    It's mostly personal to me, but I think history will support the point.
  • Often I get really upset at the way people use irony - often it's in defense of something they're doing that's indefensible. "Oh no, I meant that racist comment ironically!"

    I love it when the underdog can turn things around, though. Something like Capoeira has to be uplifting for the practicioners, a way to build a sense of self worth without calling down the wrath of the man for being "uppity".
    • It is extremely strenuous. There is a great deal of showmanship and conversation without words when you're playing. It's a show of control to clearly demonstrate mid-game that you could hit someone, but not do so, in a baiting fashion, or to stand in a vulnerable pose and then force your opponent to evade your kick when they approach.

      I started studying so I could learn to play, because people tell me I'm too serious.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
