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Journal Ashtead's Journal: Fiber, almost

The fiber goodness is almost here. The electrical contractor responsible for the last branch lines from the poles along the road to the wall came by today. We had an appointment for today at 11 AM.

But after about half an hour of walking up and down the road, looking at the poles and cables betwene then, it became apparent that the company rolling out the fiber trunks hadn't got around to do this part of the neigborhood yet.

So I'll have to wait a bit longer; as I'm supposed to go out travelling sometime during the next weeks, I'll have to remain patient for a little longer. The hook-up cost is fixed, so this timing error won't cost me anything; no bill until there actually is an operating service here. Which is nice.

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Fiber, almost

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Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
