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Journal smartfart's Journal: About me:

I have a job.

I hate my job.

Actually, I love my job. I'm a network admin for a large law firm. We unfortunately have to support windows/novell users, but we (me and the other admin, my boss) have serveral linux servers, and use linux/oss whenever possible. I maintain the linux stuff, and all of the windows boxen. The people I work with are great, it's a lot of fun, etc. It's just the management that I hate. That and the fact that I work for lawyers.

I also do a little linux/networking/internet/whatever consulting on the side.

Other than that, I'm a preacher of the gospel. I do missions work and evangelism. I used to have a radio program (that's programme for all of my british friends), and will start it back up once my cashflow gets better.

I like to fish, plus I hunt some. I'm a patriotic American. I'm married. I'm bored (which i why I'm writing in a blog).

I'm one of the leaders at my local linux users group. Irc? I'm mmlj4 on EFnet, freeload and rhizomatic.

I'm a cajun, unfortunately living in the cesspool known as New Orleans at the moment.

I'm a trumpet player, although about all I do now is keyboards, thanks to TMJ; I also sing, and write a little.

Ok, that's enough about me. What about you? Oh yeah, that's right, I dont have comments enabled.

Lucky me :-)

To program is to be.
