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Journal keith_nt4's Journal: Vacation Day 7

Once again here I am, 2:20am again. I'm supposed to be going to bed early.

Today I went out a while looking for christmas presents. Which was fun. Well not really. Streets aren't as crowded as usual it seems like. Which makes for better parking but shows the sluggishness of the economy.

I also worked more on my router. I've learned a lot tryin gto do this sort of thing but I'm not sure I'm all that much closer then I was when I started. I think I am starting to ask the right questions though. Which is a positive step.

I'm not sure where I got all this patience from. Most people, a LARGE majority, would have given up long ago and just put down the $50 for an infinately easier out-of-the-box setup. Although one of those probably wouldn't be assigning IPs via a serial port. Or would be capable of being accessible through SSH. At least ports would be easily opened.

Finally tonight I started to do the next hour from the game book. But didn't finish. I really should have started it sooner. But I'll do it tomorrow.

I hope this log isn't too exciting for whomever's reading this. Just take it in in short bursts... :)

"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
