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Journal JohnnyComeLately's Journal: China's Olympic Committe: They just don't get it 1

Hola!!! I haven't posted in quite some time, but today I have some free time :)

I was reading this article when I hit this quote at the end,

"The act of defiance from this small group of people is not popular," said Sun Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee. "It will definitely be criticized by people who love peace and adore the Olympic spirit. Their attempt is doomed to failure."

The subtle beauty of arrogance is the ignorance of what's about to come. It's like watching the video clip of a bad accident the SECOND time through. You know it's coming, and you're cringing...just waiting.. BAMO!!!! Someone's life completely changed with no warning.

So my musings now are: How long till they figure out it's not "a small number of people who feel this way?" Will they figure it out? How many countries will have the fortitude to make human rights an issue and boycott the olympics? Who will it be? Will China actually change or will this be quickly forgotten in a few years?

I'm not really versed in Chinese history, so I'm not really able to make an educated guess. However, my gut feeling is this may just embarass them enough to make some moderate changes. I do think future Olympic Site Committees will give more thought into host nations and their world image before approving a site like China again. 2056 Olympics in North Korea, anyone?

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China's Olympic Committe: They just don't get it

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  • may just embarass them enough to make some moderate changes

    Maybe a little, but substantially, not really. When the world's "lone superpower" has got your back, you don't really need to sweat anything.

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
