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Journal theMerovingian's Journal: Meta-moderation is fundamentally broken 1

I have apparently lost the ability to receive moderator points. I used to get access to them a couple times a week, and it has now been several months since any were available to me.

This loss of moderator points occurred at the same time that I decided to make a substantial effort to moderate down posts with really dumb slashdot-meme-humor. Meta-moderation most likely flagged my moderation choices as being 'incorrect' too often. Thus, I no longer have access to the points.

I would like to propose a fix to this problem: remove the effect of meta-moderation on "Funny" posts. Whether a joke is funny or not is a matter of subjective taste - some may agree or disagree by using moderation. This is a legitimate form of expression within the slashdot community, and should not be unfairly penalized.

"Funny" posts do not count towards karma, and negative meta-moderation on "Funny" posts should not affect access to moderator points. By trying to raise the level of discussion on slashdot, I have been effectively excluded from the community.

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Meta-moderation is fundamentally broken

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  • So somebody thought a joke was funny and modded it up, you thought it was stupid/overused and modded down, and the meta-moderators thought you were unfair. Again and again.

    As you choose your battles in life, your quest to rid slashdot of trite humor, while well-intentioned, might not be the best use of your time/mod points. Maybe it would be better to promote posts that contribute positively, than to argue with people about whether a joke is still funny.

Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
