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Journal smartfart's Journal: Lazy, lazy, lazy...

I'm probably the laziest blogger on the intarweb.

Anyhow, I've been using VMware on and off for years, but I finally decided to get off my duff and set up a lab for Samba, LDAP and groupware testing. Surely someone will complain that I'm not running Xen, but if it would actually run on my hardware for more than 15 minutes without locking up, I would. Besides, I need windows machines in my lab, and since I don't have hyper-whatsit capabilities, free VMware it is.

I'm going to be working through Samba-3 by Example. I've done file- and print-sharing before of course, but I've never set up a PDC until now. I've got O'Reilly's LDAP book around here somewhere, which ought to come in handy later on in the tutorial.

Also planned is a journey into the scary world of groupware (ignore that page, it's way out of date and shows my previous ignorance). Several friends have used Kolab, but it's still a bear to set up, and I want to see how far I can get by rolling things out the hard way, piece by piece. iCal data can be transferred via IMAP, and I've gotten some experience lately with Dovecot, so maybe I can wrap my head around the problem (or make it explode, film at 11). My client software will be Thunderbird and Lightning, though I'm mad at the Mozilla leadership for their political blunders of late --- hopefully they won't completely ruin such a promising project.

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
