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Journal DesScorp's Journal: Safari/Slashdot problems? 3

Safari (on OS X Tiger, all the latest updates) seems to be dying way too much when I'm on Slashdot. It's gotten bad enough that when I report it to Apple, I put "Slashdot hates you" in the what-were-you-doing part of the crash dialogue box. I wonder if Slashdot has some funky scripts that Safari chokes on?

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Safari/Slashdot problems?

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  • I occasionally hit Slashdot using the latest Safari on Windows, and I have not noticed any problems. It seems to handle the site better than Firefox 2. FF3 looks like a marked improvement over FF2, though I've only been using it for a day or so.
    • I don't know if it necessarily matters... probably not... but I'm on a PowerPC box too. Wonder if that has something to do with it...
    • HA HA HA HA HA...

      And what happens as soon as I post my reply to you above... Safari crashes.

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