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Journal Peterus7's Journal: People...

I just learned that Matt had been reading Whitney's DJ. What the f*ck? Has he no decency? Leave them alone. I only read people's DJs if they ask me to or something. God, he's just looking for any sort of minor arguement between Shane and Whitney so he can say their relationship is over when Courtney and he have issues ten million times worse.

Anyways, enough griping about them, dustin explained how to become a moderator, and I wish I was one. Dammit... I visit /. all the fricking time, and I post twice as much as he does! Argh. Most of my posts are still opinions, or just silly jokes, but still... I've gotten a 5... so yeah. Ego boost, baby. Oh well. Anyhow, today was alright... Had to walk to school and back, which was a pain for my poor legs, and I was able to avoid bitchney, so yay. God, Courtney... Ugh... Just ugh... I just don't want to see her ever.

Anyhow, today was alright. It went rather quickly, we discussed the subject matter in Calculus, and then lectured and stuff in health, and then in advanced bio we did a lab with blood pressure. Kimseth was my partner, w00t. Bless him, he was nice to me. Few are... Go him. He's cool. I need to stop by TCC tomorrow and spend the whole day there, just chilling with friends. Then humanities 100, and Eng 103... w00t. And get new books. Stupid bookstore and their stupid screwups. Read 'the right to read' on /. today, was fun. Well, I gtg, life being boring but can't stay on one thing for too long, latah.

"Floggings will continue until morale improves." -- anonymous flyer being distributed at Exxon USA
