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Journal DavidBrown's Journal: Moderator fear?

Just a thought. Right now, I have moderator points. I seem to get them frequently, having maxed out karma, and I tend to moderate up, mostly.

But today, I saw a +5 Interesting post at the top of the Windows Media Edition review story, and thought that the simple "How much DRM?" question posed was way too non-interesting/intriguing, etc. to really deserve a +5.

So I thought to moderate it down as Overrated.

But then, later down the posts, I saw that there was a discussion related to the moderating of the first post, and someone proposed metamoderating as unfair any of the negative moderations of the parent comment.

So I chickened out.


I sure don't know. It's not as if high karma and the occasional mod points is important to me. Or maybe they are. Anyway, I wound up not modding the message down, even though it was, IMHO, clearly overrated.

Go fig.

Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
