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Journal LMacG's Journal: About:Chrome

Jebus, people like to hear themselves talk. Or see themselves write. Something like that. And I guess I'm going to jump on in.

I downloaded and used Chrome as soon as I could on Tuesday. I used it for a couple hours and thought it was OK, although I had a bad tendency to click on the bookmark bar instead of the tabs, since I seem to navigate my screen as much from muscle memory as anything else, and those tabs are not where I expect them to be. There was not anything specifically wrong with Chrome at all, but I'm going to stick with Firefox for primary browsing, simply because of AdBlock Plus and NoScript.

I am going to use Chrome though, for GMail and other AJAX heavy sites. Over the next few days/weeks/months, I'll figure out which sites I want to run in which environment, and if I'm lucky, FF will get snappier as I use it less for the AJAXy sites.

In the case of GMail, I'll probably make an app window out of it. And that's my own theory about what Google's up to anyway . . . they probably don't care so much about overall browser market share as they do about creating a framework within which one can run their apps. In the meantime, other browsers can take some of the better bits (V8?) and incorporate them, and in the end, everybody benefits.

To close this out, a quick note about those who screech "OMG, WTF, it's phoning home!!!111!!!1!" There's a simple way to turn that off. Don't download and install Chrome. There's no gun pointing at your head. See? Easy peasy.

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