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Journal Nick Number's Journal: new m2 system 3

Is there some kind of explanation posted for the change in the metamoderation system? The instructions don't seem very clear.

Are we now evaluating the quality of the original comment rather than the moderation on it?

If we enter comments do they go to the moderator(s) or the original poster?
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new m2 system

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  • ...here. [slashdot.org] HTH.
    • Thanks. That does help some, but it doesn't explain the function of the clickable triangles in the lower-right. Any idea what those text boxes do?
      • Any idea what those text boxes do?

        No clue, sorry. As you can see, someone asked that in Taco's JE, but it's not been answered. I can hazard a guess that it most likely will be used, if at all, retroactively, as in someone complains to admin of some egregious modding, editors check M2 logs, and comments might prove helpful in that case. I'm assuming if the system runs normally, nobody'd ever see 'em.

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