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Journal techpawn's Journal: Job searches suck

After four months I've been offered a position with a small-midsized company in town. It pays better than the mid-large sized company I was with. But I don't think I'll be taking another 4 month vacation because I don't agree with management. Lesson learned from this is that no job is forever and to keep the feelers out there. But I'm going to take at least 6 months off from having my resume up. This 4 month vacation was exhausting and I feel I owe it to the new company

I just like smaller companies, I'm finding more and more that the larger companies just look at their bottom line and lose touch with it's employees after they get too big. No more talking to the CEO because I don't agree with what he wants to do to IT? Forget that noise. I feel that anyone should be approachable no matter the size and amount of glass in their office.
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Job searches suck

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