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Journal techprophet's Journal: Windows 7 download limiter?

I just installed firefox and started downloading my audio drivers for vista (I am actually running Windows 7 build 6956). It is downloading at 10k/s. Meanwhile IE8 downloading from the same site downloads at 100k/s. This is not a coincidence. I tested it with several other sites and it does the same thing. There are two possiblities here. One: Microsoft implemented a download speed limiter for all non-IE browsers. Two: Firefox is way slower than IE8. I can safely cross the 2nd off the list after running 6801. With 6956 it is almost always 50-100k slower with FF than IE. I hope to God that this is not what I think it is.
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Windows 7 download limiter?

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
