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Journal MichaelSmith's Journal: shutdown 3

I am the person who posted with the userid smithm and display name "Michael Smith" on

After Bruce shut the site down I sent him an email offering to take over the domain name. He indicated that he doesn't want to sell it.

I am interested in setting up my own site. In theory an online community can be very cheap to run. You can do it on google groups for example. But being a software guy myself I have a few ideas for how to build a system. I want to use the Mercurial DSCM as a backend and build it around individual user web logs with RSS gluing them together.

I am of the view that discussion sites should almost never be edited. Mercurial has features which make it easy to see changes in revision history, which is why I want to use that tool.

I have a few projects on the go over Christmas. I am closing my co-lo and installing a server at home. The web log software is project number two over the holidays.

If you are interested in hearing more about this project, please leave a reply.

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. shutdown

Comments Filter:
  • by tqft ( 619476 )

    I get a job soon, I will have some time to do some testing and whatever. Let me know.

  • I was maethorechannen on Technocrat (I only found out about technocrat shutting down today, after a long xmas break).

    One feature request would be to use atom instead of rss for the feeds, and in the feeds use the atom:author element - that way it would be a lot easier to filter out posts (using something like Yahoo Pipes) from authors I'd rather not hear from. For example, while I could usually tell a Guy Fawkes post from what was in Google Reader, sometimes his posts would slip through and I'd find myself

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
