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Journal rdewald's Journal: My annual Slashdot journal entry 11


Wow, it's been two years since I abandoned this platform for Internet publishing.

I notice that I am currently moving from Multiply to Facebook, but I honestly don't know how quickly and/or completely I am going to migrate. Ultimately, I see this will all become one big XML matrix and it won't matter, everything will be possible everywhere, and be visible to everyone else, and you'll be able to drive using Twitter.

See you at the lamp-post.

This discussion was created by rdewald (229443) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

My annual Slashdot journal entry

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  • I tried the Multiply thing and I just couldn't get established there. Either the community changed and I no longer fit, or perhaps I never really fit in with the crowd that moved to begin with.

    Facebook is nice; I have had an account there for a couple of years but I only really started using it within the last 3-5 months, when I friend of mine found me through an email search.

    I trust all is going well with you?

  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *

    I never really liked the TOS of Multiply and with Facebooks attempt at their new TOS, I am wary of that place as well even though I do have a page there. Twitter is actually a pretty good place with appropriate TOS (You do have an account there) and blogging software is easy enough to use as well, though the social aspects are not as well built in to blogging software as Facebook...

    • by rdewald ( 229443 ) *

      That's a good point, and that's why I don't use either service as a "cloud" repository for my images. I am just beginning to appreciate the wonders of twitter and I can see all kinds of potential there.

      Next year I might be talking about having left facebook for twitter.

      • I am just beginning to appreciate the wonders of twitter

        Then please, explain it to me. I don't see the point in it at all. All it does is serve the ADHD crowd who thinks it a) is important to tell the whole world what their last dookie looked like and b) that they have to have themselves sucked into a neverending stream of irrelevant information to avoid having a single moment with themselves.

        That might sound like a harsh judgment, but apart from information on live events, there is no need to update everyb

        • by rdewald ( 229443 ) *

          Don't confuse the technology with the users.

          Twitter is a cross-platform, cross-technology way to push 140 characters somewhere wrapped in XML. That is going to be useful.

          • Don't confuse the technology with the users.

            HO! I'm hitting you. (You saw it coming, didn't you?)

            The technology is nothing without its users, everything depends on everything. What is a glass?

            Twitter is a cross-platform, cross-technology way to push 140 characters somewhere wrapped in XML.

            You mean, unlike HTTP, which isn't dependent on a single company or server infrastructure, has no limits in message size and doesn't failwhale, ever?

            I think you are overstating Twitter's technological achievement. If it weren't for Hanlon's Razor, I'd even go so far and state that Twitter's only purpose is giving the Ruby On Rails haters an obvious target for th

            • by rdewald ( 229443 ) *

              http doesn't push, requires tcp/ip and the text comes in an envelope that "means" the same thing to every device--render me in your browser. Tweets have none of those limitations.

              Perhaps I am over-stating it, but that's a risk I am willing to accept.

        • I didn't really understand it either until I started using it. I began following people I knew from the dot, and then added in some celebs. Its kind of fun and while there is a certain amount of useless updating, it really depends on who you follow. If you follow people who have interesting updates it is far more enjoyable. I've also found several "twitterzines" which publish 140 character fiction! Its an interesting process to try and compose such posts in only 140 characters.

          So give it a try and s
        • People are in the minutiae.

      • I just got into Facebook, at the expense of slashdotting.
        The interface just reeks of hackish code.
        However, Facebook comments are not as painful as these Slashdot ones.
  • These days I'm mostly on Facebook, as I've got networks of all my friends there, from Slashdot/Multiply, deviantART, the old Usenet days, as well as family and work colleagues. :) But I'm also getting into the lifestreaming thing, using Friendfeed [] to collect all of my activities online. And I've become a Twitterer [] since the begining of the year.


Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
