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Journal argent's Journal: Beta Index, begone! 2

Somehow Slashdot turned on the Beta index back on for me, and since I had no idea that it had been turned on I assumed this was more leakage from Beta back to the regular Index.

Good god.

All I can say is, they must be subcontracting to Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. It's appalling. It must never be released.

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Beta Index, begone!

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  • subcontracting to sirius cybernetics

    Not quite. Though the hacktacular idiot [] that passes for a "programmer" at slashdot doesn't believe in testing code before unleashing it on the unsuspecting world. Which might be just as bad.

    But at least for the time being the beta index is optional. We can still - for the time being - chose to use the mostly-functional "regular" index. There were plenty of examples in the past year of crappy new code being rolled out involuntarily upon slashdot (some of which still has not been fixed). Unfortunate

  • Agreed. I decided to fool around with the beta index and the firehose for the first time today, and man, was that painful. Here's hoping it won't become mandatory at some point.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
