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Journal pmarini's Journal: The falling giant is begging for attention 1

The software giant is finally admitting its defeat: "Where do you want to go today?" seems more of an answer to themselves than a slogan for the community of paying customers...
(They already admitted defeat a while ago in the hardware department)
Here's a list of what "good" competition brings to the users:
OOXML Microsoft is adding full support for OpenDocument (ODF) file format to their Office suite of business productivity software with SP2, were not for the competition (already 10% of the market) that they are receiving from (now owned by Oracle).
Windows 7 for netbooks
Who would have thought that an OS that normally retails in the few hundred dollars would be able to be included in computers of roughly the same cost? (these days netbooks tend to be more on the $400-$500 range than the original $200 for the EEE PC 701, but anyway...)
Try before you buy
Vista was in beta for 1 year, and Windows 7 release candidate will also be free to use until 1st June 2010. You have to admit, it's a pretty big win for users (due to competition from Apple MacOS X and GNU/Linux), even though corporate ones always had it the easy way.

Where do you think the industry could be if in the last 20 years Microsoft would have not been allowed to persevere in its illegal activities? (remind yourself of the court proceedings before proclaiming them innocent...)
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The falling giant is begging for attention

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  • "Where do you think the industry could be if in the last 20 years Microsoft would have not been allowed to persevere in its illegal activities?"

    That's an awfully complicated thing to think about... maybe there would be no F/OSS or Ubuntu or Sun or Oracle or Intel or IBM or anything we know today if it wasn't for Microsoft's obelisk of proprietary power.

    Small steps can have great impact the further time goes on, Microsoft made massive steps in very short strides.

    Whatever the result, I'm certain the world wou

The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
