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Journal MikeFM's Journal: argh :(

Shit, shit, shit. I suck. I passed my final deadline on my contract project and I'm still not finished. I'm offering to return the money I've already taken. Things just took way to long. I let things get more and more complex and out there. I let there be to many feature requests during development. I got hung on loose threads. The main project was done in August and here five months later I've invested more time on the loose ends than I did on the 'hard stuff'.

I'm going to drop clear back to the main project and rip all these extra features out. I'll finish the project my way and then try to market it. I think I may switch from PHP to Python because PHP just isn't doing well trying to scale to so many lines of code. Also PHP is a pain because you have to send instructions for clients web providers on how to configure the required modules and you have to check all sorts of defaults to make sure your codes behavior is as expected. PHP also is to much of a moving target as the language is still evolving quite a bit.

  Remove the crappy features.
  Switch from PHP to Python.
  Rip the last bits of UI from the backside.
  Refactor the database.
  Create a tool to ease db work.
  Create a web-based frontside.
  Create a GUI-based frontside.

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argh :(

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"Life is a garment we continuously alter, but which never seems to fit." -- David McCord
