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Journal navyjeff's Journal: Metamoderating 2

I used to metamoderate on a regular basis. Occasionally I would see the link near the bottom or the top of the page and metamod the requested comments.

Now, I haven't seen that link in probably nine months. I used to see it at least once a week. Is it possible to be banned from metamoderating? Have I been banned from metamoderating?

The idea seems kind of preposterous to me. I've tried to be as objective and fair in metamoderating posts. I avoid modding up or down based on political views or fervor for particular OSes and try to weigh the post on its own merits, humor, or applicability to the thread.

I still see references to metamoderating occasionally, even recent ones, so I think it must still exist. Is it for subscribers only now? If I got banned, what did I do to get banned?

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