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Journal thousandinone's Journal: Advertising?

So I've been running noscript, adblock, et al for some time now, and recently I noticed a little box on slashdot, offering to allow me to disable advertisements on this site due to my 'positive contributions.'

For some UNFATHOMABLE reason, I haven't been seeing advertisements anyway. But you know what?

Having seen this, I have added exceptions for slashdot, and am now seeing advertisements on slashdot. Why? Because I don't truly mind advertisements that much- it is the fact that they drain my bandwidth and slow my browsing experience down without any kind of opt-out on my end.

Since slashdot has seen fit to offer me an opt-out, I've seen fit to begin viewing slashdots ads and generating some revenue for them.

I'll do the same for any site that offers me an opt-out for advertisements without requiring a paid subscription. I reserve the right to rescind this statement in cases where advertisements are excessive, as well as the right to redefine 'excessive' at my slightest whim.
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