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Journal Ektanoor's Journal: And the sprint is finished

Yes, ./ is great. Undoubtly. It is one of the great things that happened to Internet.
However, it is pretty sad that things keep being the same after all these years.

OS and browser Wars, standardize Linux, not so anonymous jerks, intelectual trolls. Yes, some of it has to exist. But other things... Hey, this standartization stuff was here 9 years ago. Are we discussing or playing the Hundred Years Cyberwar? Too much stuff stucked in the very same positions I saw when I stopped being a ./ regular. And too much stuff that should have reached a logical conclusion many years ago. It make you feel you are living in some sort of Middle Ages.

Yes, the feeling is even harsher when you read "hope being homeless". What would be the feeling of this guys if I answered "hope you drop dead somewhere"? This is not culture, it's Troll's Heavens.

Too much "funnies" a huge lack of authoritative with good content. Sad.

I couldn't nearly see big names around. The only person who catched my eye was Fyodor. Sad also.

Anyway ./ keeps a quality that I was afraid to be lost long ago. That's good but, for the moment. Either ./ jumps out of the time singularity it is in or it will be a path to nowhere. Nothing is eternal. Not even browser wars.

Yes, people keep writing a good deal of personal accounts, experiences. That's one of the things great on ./ But it seems to lack some content on good professional expertises. Sad, it was one of the great things in the old days.

Anyway it was a great sprint for the day. A good test to "see" a section of the "Universe" I have not been in, for quite a long time. But, that's all for now folks. Back to where I came from... While not being stuck in a job now, there is work to do. So, ./, keep on and put all those M$ lovers at bay. Oh, btw they will loose anyway. Eeeee the only problem is will they loose by themselves or everyone, without exception, looses. Hehehe...

Maybe some time, may be somewhere.


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And the sprint is finished

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