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Journal sowth's Journal: Brain damage keeps me in computer hell 1

I never did get dosemu running. My Asus EEE still has the crap Xandros install. I don't think they ever upgraded any of the several vulnerable packages. I would rather not risk using it, but I haven't been able to get an alternative working. I thought about using slax for it, but I don't know if you can save stuff (maybe I have to make another partiton?). Slax would be the easiest to get going--it already works out of the box.

Then there is the netvista machine. If it doesn't wait for 5 minutes before going graphical, the hardware locks up. The emachine should work, but the system is installed, but I haven't been able to configure it. I haven't gathered the brain power to do it, at least when I remember it exists.

Then I need a new cell phone. The it keeps erasing the RAM--probably the battery slipping--I took off the casing when installing. I don't know why it is doing it so much now, I've had it for quite a while. I think this is new, at least doing it so often. Then today it didn't go off for the alarm to do laundry, so here it is almost 6pm, and I just started it now. I should probably do shopping too.

Oh, yeah having brain damage is fun!

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Brain damage keeps me in computer hell

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  • For the EEE (I have to 701 4G, your mileage may vary). Just follow the step by step explanations [debian.org]. That will give you a basic Debian installation (and you can install over WiFi. Sure, that's not the end, because you need to select packages to install. A good begin would be typing something like "aptitude install lxde gdm iceweasel icedove". Don't do OpenOffice. If you need office applications go for GNumeric and Abiword.

    I alas didn't document what exactly to do to get a working environment, but email m

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
