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Journal smitty777's Journal: Craigslist Creator Betrayed by eBay? 2

Reuters is reporting on an interview with Craig Newmark, the creator of Craigslist, that he feels somewhat betrayed by his new corporate (robotic?) overlords at Ebay. eBay initially claimed to share the same values as Craigslist in order to close the deal, but later launched the rival site Kiji. There also appears to be a clash between the notoriously anti-establishment Craigslist cultre and the eBay bigwigs. eBay execs, on the other hand, have portrayed Newmark as "resistant to change". One final interesting quote FTA: "Earlier Thursday, Price -- who was eBay's principal deal maker in acquiring its $32 million stake in Craigslist -- said the decision to buy a stake in Craigslist was partly to block a sale to Google Inc.". To quote Sherlock Holmes "There's evil afoot!".

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Craigslist Creator Betrayed by eBay?

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  • screwed by sharp business operators in a business deal, and only getting $32 million. Who would have thunk?

    that betrayal really hurts.

    How about a do-over? or maybe they can sue on the contractual clause to "be nice", and "no betrayals".

    • Nice! I hadn't thought of the do-over option. I guess you're right - that's the kind of thing that happens when big $$$ is at stake. It's interesting to see the fallout of these two completely opposite work cultures clash when mixed together.

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