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Journal einhverfr's Journal: Encounter with Jehovah's Witness missionaries 1

So today while I was at work a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door as part of their missionary work. I answered the door and knew immediately what was going on (two women I had never met knocking on my door? That's the JW MO....

So, they said they were talking with people about how they were discussing with people the problems of the world and where to turn for answers.

"I study ancient mythology." I told them.

"We're sharing the Word of God" they told me.

"That's your mythology" I told them, approvingly.

They seemed somewhat unsure of how to proceed. So they read me a bible verse and left. I thanked them politely for coming, but I don't think they will be back soon.

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Encounter with Jehovah's Witness missionaries

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  • I loved this one! You totally turned the whole situation on its head and some people just don't know what to do anymore. They probably could have gotten you to talk if they just went with the mythology take.

    Other things I find funny is messing with the procedural memory (motor learning) of people. For instance, if people give you a hand, give them the rock. Or a high five.

    What's also funny is that people expect courtesy. So when I know someone is behind me, I let the door go and then laugh at their amazed f

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