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This discussion was created by Shakrai (717556) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

CBO: Health Care Bill Will Cost $115 Billion More Than Previously Assessed

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  • I believe it's WORTH being the 76th best!

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      We pay the most and get the best. When the cost is compared to a stat that says we get worse outcomes, it's terribly misleading: the people who get the bad outcomes that bring us down, largely don't get that expensive healthcare. So comparing cost to care is of SOME interest (e.g., we don't allocate our dollars well), but it doesn't tell the story of the individual people who pay a lot, and get very good quality care.

      That said, healthcare SHOULD cost a lot less. Too bad the Democrats' bill does absolutel

      • by Shakrai ( 717556 ) *

        indeed, the CBO says premiums will remain essentially unchanged from what they would have been without the bill

        Doesn't the bill actually drive them higher through the various new mandates on what kind of coverage you can sell? Guaranteed issue, no lifetime caps, kids on your policy until 26..... all of those things cost money.

        • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

          Guaranteed issue, no lifetime caps, kids on your policy until 26..... all of those things cost money.

          The Hope was that by forcing everyone to get insurance, the insurance companies would thoughtfully lower their rates when they add people who aren't going to get sick to the risk pool.

          • by Shakrai ( 717556 ) *

            How's that going to work? The individual mandate isn't constitutional and even if it survives the pending legal challenges it has no teeth. The legislation says that the IRS can't use any legal means to collect the fines that are to be imposed. They can't put liens on your property, can't take you to court and can't charge you interest for refusing to pay it.

            If the legislation actually survives long enough to kick in I'm going to drop my health insurance coverage and refuse to pay the penalty. If I sho

            • by Qzukk ( 229616 )

              How's that going to work?

              Hoping for Change, I guess.

              If the legislation actually survives long enough to kick in I'm going to drop my health insurance coverage and refuse to pay the penalty. If I should get sick I'll just pick it back up.

              If it survives, I'm sure the teeth will be added when the government realizes that everyone's trying what you're doing.

              I wish I had good answers. Frankly, the best I can think of is eliminating the company-provided group policy, but doing that would be like letting all the

              • by Shakrai ( 717556 ) *

                If it survives, I'm sure the teeth will be added when the government realizes that everyone's trying what you're doing.

                Don't count on it. The reason they didn't give it teeth was because they knew it would be political suicide to do so. That's when the Democrats had 60 seats in the US Senate and 75 more seats than the GOP in the House. If they weren't brave enough to give the mandate teeth I'm not losing sleep over the prospect of a future Congress doing so. Besides which, the mandate probably won't survive SCOTUS anyway. If it does then we should all be afraid, because there will be no limit on Congressional Power und

      • You lie.

      • Anyone know if this is an officer or an enlisted man?

        Enlisted man..

        Make the stitches big.

    • Not for long brain! While all those great socialists utopia's (see: Greece and the rest of the EU) implode, the United States will remain with the same best health care system for those who decide to budget for it.

      Besides, whats a mere 200 billion over a health care bill that we couldnt afford in the first place?

      • They are "exploding" because of parasitic, market vampires - not social policy. There is a great word that describes this kind of "analysis" - conflation.

        • No. Imploding. There is a word to describe your method of thought: juvenile.

          What you lefties dont quiet understand yet, is that Europe is surviving due to one reason, and one reason only; The United States of America. Without our powerful economy and equally powerful military, the socialist European nations would simply collapse under the weight of their innovation destroying policies; from cap and trade, to cradle to grave social services. I am not a EU hater, but I have to say that I "pity the fools" in E

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