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Journal pentalive's Journal: Clyde's Cloud Computing

I don't like cloud computing. It's 'My Data" on "Not My Machine"

Before Local Cloud:
I have a bunch of machines
and a nerd who herds them.
I am his boss,
I control him.
I own my data.
I have to pay to replace broken machines.

After Local Cloud Computing:
I have a bunch of machine
and a nerd to herd them
but he doesn't report to me-
I can't control him.
He owns my data
Part of the Fee is insurance to fix machines that Might break.

Another Thought on Cloud computing.

Andie's Company outsources to Clyde's Clouds. Andi has medical information.
Bob's Company outsources to Clyde's Clouds. Bob runs a marketing company.
Edward the Evil Haxorz hacks Clyde's clouds and steals Andie's medical information.
HIPAA burys Clyde's Clouds in fines. Clyde flees the country.

Where is Bob's Data?

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Clyde's Cloud Computing

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