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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Pondering Pudge's Pending Parting 16

Slashdot's own shouting box for the conservative platform, pudge, announced a while ago that he will soon be parting ways with slashdot. An anonymous coward first brought this to my attention with a link to a posting he made elsewhere stating that he is looking for work at the present time.

So if he isn't leaving to go directly to another job, it leaves open the question as to why he is leaving.

I will say here that while I agree with Pudge on, virtually nothing, I do not see him as a stupid person. While his arguments often include reality distorting, reality ignoring, and sometimes outright reality destroying claims, that does not make him inherently stupid. I am also reasonably certain that he is well aware that the economy and the job market are crap right now - even if I blames it entirely on Bill Clinton and/or Barack Obama.

Hence I do not suspect that he would be willing to walk away from a paid job and into the void simply on his own free will. Even though he seems to feel himself to be some "oppressed minority", "fighting the man with truth, justice, and the American way", I see reason to believe that his sense of self-preservation trumps his political ideology when it comes down to putting food on the table and paying the bills.

Which leaves a few other possible explanations for why he is leaving:
  • He was laid off (I see this as the most probable)
  • He was fired (I see this as much less probable)
  • Slashdot has itself been sold or transferred and he is no longer needed (intermediate probability)
  • Slashdot is about to close for good and he's just the most vocal to fly the coop (also intermediate probability)
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Pondering Pudge's Pending Parting

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  • Slashdot is about to close for good and he's just the most vocal to fly the coop

    So you think maybe I shouldn't renew that subscription?

    • Renew the subscription? If you don't disable ads anywhere, the subscription never expires.

      But I didn't tell you that ...
      • If you don't disable ads anywhere, the subscription never expires.

        I've often wondered why the subscription I bought a few years ago for $5 never seemed to expire. Now, I just renew every few months because I value Slashdot.

        But that's just the kind of hairpin I am.

  • Like anything's going to change either with Pudge or this website.
    • Like anything's going to change either with Pudge

      That part I agree with. Nothin will change Pudge; he is an immovable conservative mass.

      or this website.

      That, I am not so sure. Clearly, the content of this website won't be quite the same without Pudge's regular journal entries and discussion comments telling us how anyone who is more liberal than Dick Cheney is working to destroy the universe. And his philosophical doppleganger [] hasn't been around much lately, either (at least not in journal entries) so a difference may be noticed.

      Although of course the website itse

      • regular journal entries

        Yeah, about that. You may have notice a considerable dropoff in his output when the GOP started collapsing under the weight of its own stupidity. I've actually been feeling sorry for Pudge the last couple of years: One of his fundamental touchstones of life just started crumbling beneath him. It would unnerve the strongest of people to have their faith tested like that.
        • One of his fundamental touchstones of life just started crumbling beneath him. It would unnerve the strongest of people to have their faith tested like that.

          I suspect his faith is too strong to allow him to even notice that happening. His views are such that everything good in the universe comes from reaganomics, and everything bad in the universe can (and should) be blamed directly and personally on Bill Clinton.

          Hence while others may observe the GOP crumbling and decaying, he observes them to get stronger, because that is the only change that can happen to them in his world view.

  • Active denial of facts, failure to reason properly, logical fallacies, black-and-white thinking. All these add up to some kind of stupid.

    • I really would like to be a fly on the wall at casa pudge. I feel sympathy with his situation if it is not of his choosing; a predicament. I suspect they had to let someone go, and they could most easily talk themselves into letting him go. I think he may be getting stale with computers, and he may have become the evil poster boy of slashdot in their mind, and wasting too much time doing so.

      Active denial of facts, failure to reason properly, logical fallacies, black-and-white thinking. All these add up to some kind of stupid.

      I think each of those add up to some kind of humanity. What always drove me up the wall was his failures of: sympa

      • Pudge must have been beaten like a rented mule when he was a boy. That's how you inculcate the fear which metastasizes later in life into conservatism.

        • Pudge must have been beaten like a rented mule when he was a boy. That's how you inculcate the fear which metastasizes later in life into conservatism.

          You catch more fish when you use good bait.

          inculcate (sic)- there are so many ways...


          I am conservative- I both conserve, and recyle. I am liberal- I liberate. As I get later in life, I have noticed change. Liberal, conservative, reactionary, extremist- been there, done that, but there are trends...

          peace- for it
          justice- for it
          the American way- typically against it, cautious about it, or thoughtful about it, and usually seeing that it needs work as of late.

          That likely makes me the poster chil

      • Everything I needed to know in life I learned from Forrest Gump. To whit: "Stupid is as stupid does."

        Oh, and Princess Buttercup eventually got AIDS.

  • I guess it depends on whether his reality is actually that distorted or if he is just a troll. THe thing that ties his reality distortion field together is that he is never wrong. No matter what, it is always someone else who is wrong. If he carries that over into his professional life, I can see how that would be untenable after awhile. It's not like he has improved slashdot with the code roll-outs. It would not surprise me if slashdot's numbers were down. If he refuses to fix things because it is no
    • If they roll back to the old user page that worked, and fix all the renderign errors

      Please don't tease me like that, it's not healthy for me.

      I also find it hard to believe that Slashdot 2.0 is all, or even mostly, Pudge's work (at least, from a design point of view, nuts an bolts might be mostly him for all I know). It just doesn't make sense on lots of levels.
      • I also find it hard to believe that Slashdot 2.0 is all, or even mostly, Pudge's work

        As best I have seen nobody has been willing to take credit (blame?) for the problems introduced to slashdot over the past year or more. There are so many problems, it is almost hard to believe that one person could write that significant of a volume of terrible, untested code and keep their job.

All the simple programs have been written.
