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Journal Mr.Intel's Journal: The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict 1

The History of Israel and Zionism

Zionism is the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. Since this goal was realized in 1948, the meaning has changed. Zionism now has several meanings depending on who you are. For most Jews, it means the maintenance of Jewish sovereignty over the "Land of Israel". For some, it means much more. So called "Messianic Zionists" desire nothing less than the total control of the entirety of Palestine by the Jews. In fact, they hold it as a matter of divine destiny.

The 1967 six-day war proved an important turning point both for and against Israel. Egypt, Syria and Jordan began massing troops around Israel in an attempt to intimidate it. Israel, reading the writing on the wall, launched a pre-emptive strike that decimated the Egyptian air force. After the fighting was over, Israel had captured the Sinai, west bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. While the Arabs had close to half a million troops and were far from routed, they chose to end the war because Israel was within a day's fight from Cairo, Damascus and Amman.

The results of the war were many-fold. America, seeing an opportunity to check the expansion of the Soviet Union in the Middle East, began to prop up the fledgling state. Arms sales, nuclear technology and a close tie between Mossad and the CIA offered Israel more than a chance to survive. It created a regional hegemon that has consistently threatened the stability of the area. Second, it humiliated the Arab nations who could not believe that such a small bunch of unbelievers could defeat the armies of Islam. This humiliation would create a huge up well of support for Islamic fundamentalist groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and later, al-Qaeda. One other result was that Jews saw a miraculous victory by overwhelmed forces as a miracle and a key step in the Messianic view of Zionism. Expansion of borders was natural to their ideas of full, autonomous control of the entirety of "Zion".

The History of Arabs in Palestine since the creation of Israel

Arabs in Palestine resisted, from the outset, the creation of a Jewish state. Quote:

  1. "In November 1947, the General Assembly endorsed a plan for the partition of Palestine, providing for the creation of an Arab State and a Jewish State, with Jerusalem to be placed under international status. The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States."

The day after the creation of Israel, Arabs began armed hostilities and two weeks later, the Security Council of the UN called for a cessation of the conflict. Since then, Arabs have repeatedly refused the idea of peace and the existence of a Jewish state. Nasser, who was the single greatest leader of Arab Nationalism said that the Arab goal was "... the full restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. In other words, we aim at the destruction of the State of Israel. The immediate aim: perfection of Arab military might. The national aim: the eradication of Israel."

Nasser would achieve the first goal through arms deals with the Soviets, which increased aid to Israel from America. After his death in 1970, the Egyptian military would decline and never see again its dream of further closing the gap in military power with Israel.

Beginning in 1965, the PLO began what was to be known as the "Entanglement Theory". This involved a series of sabotage attacks that were specifically designed to provoke offensive retaliation from the Israelis, thus giving the PLO something to point their finger at and say, "See, we told you they were killing innocent Palestinians". This strategy has been largely successful and continues today in the form of bus bombings, suicide attacks and the random machine gunning of civilian areas. However, it is now known as 'intifada'. Naturally, there are different views on its meaning and origin.

Where do we go from here?

Since the end of the six-day war, the cycle of violence has increased, causing greater suffering and deaths. Both Israel and the Palestinians are responsible for the deaths and suffering they have caused. They both need to accept blame and move on. Resolution can only come after they both give up their incessant quest to kill each other, regardless of justification.

  1. First, there needs to be a Palestinian state. Borders can be negotiated, but would probably be best set at the 1948 lines.
  2. Israel needs to withdraw all military, government and civilian personel from the occupied territories. It also needs to give up control of the water being diverted from the aquifers in the west bank and any other resources being taken from occupied territories.
  3. America must immediately reduce aid to Israel and divert that to nation building efforts in Palestine (roads, power, water, telephone, schools, hospitals, etc.).
  4. Jordan, Syria and Egypt must sign a pact of non agression towards Israel and Israel must reciprocate.
  5. UN forces (most likely American) must be put in place to enforce the treaty and maintain an orderly transfer of power in the affected areas.

I know I have probably left quite a bit out, but this is a work in progress. Let me know what I am missing and tell me just how pie in the sky this plan is.

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The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict

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