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Journal Dirtside's Journal: Oh yeah? Prove it! 8

From all the evidence I can find, religions in general seem to be a manifestation of man's desire for there to be answers to The Big Questions. Actual evidence for the supernatural claims religions make is completely lacking.

If someone comes to me and claims that God exists, my response is, "Prove it." It's the same response I'd give if someone came to me and said that space aliens were implanting chips in people's brains, or if someone said that increasing the number of miles of freeways in Los Angeles County would decrease traffic congestion, or if someone said that pyramid power can help you blah blah mystical-energy-cakes etc. I see no reason to believe things that have no evidence.

You know what evidence is? Arguments like, "But who else could have created all this beauty?" (while gesturing at a grand mountain vista, for example) are not evidence. Arguments like, "Well, we don't know what created the universe, so it must be God!" are not evidence. With that logic, you can claim that anything you don't yet have an answer for to be caused by anything you like. Evidence is quantifiable and physical; it can be scanned, detected, and analyzed. I can do repeatable, falsifiable tests on the theory of universal gravitation; I can do such tests on thermodynamic theory, hydrodynamic theory, mathematical theory, biological theory... but not, it seems, religion. And yet people want me to take as fact the idea that God exists. Come on.

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Oh yeah? Prove it!

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  • It all depends on what axioms you're starting off with. Theists can no more prove god's existence than you can prove you're made of atoms. What's compelling about science as opposed to theology is how everything fits together as part of a pattern that makes more sense than most religions.
    • I think that you can more prove that you're made of atoms than that God exists. You can never completely prove it, of course, but the axioms are different. To prove God's existence, your axiom is that God exists. To prove that you're made of atoms, your axioms are that matter exists and that our perceptions are reliable. You can build on those axioms (via experimentation) to get to the point where you can say, "I am made of atoms." With the God axiom, however, the conclusion is the premise, and there are no experiments you can perform.

The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
