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Journal camperdave's Journal: OldSigs1

The following is a list of sigs I have had, or will have (in no particular order).
  1. "I'm not impatient. I just hate waiting" - My Dad
  2. "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one" - Flight Sim Pilot
  3. Life is an adventure
  4. Wake up, Zeke! The day ain't gonna waste itself.
  5. The chicken and the egg came at the same time... along with the toast and orange juice.
  6. There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are me, and those who wish they were me.
  7. Life... It's what happens around you while you're busy reading Slashdot...
  8. We don't inherit the Earth from our parents. We borrow it from our children.
  9. Can't sig now. Gotta read Slashdot.
  10. But, you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in the universe.
    Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.
  11. "It is my firm belief that helicopters fly because they are so ugly that the ground repels them." - Pittance
  12. Freedom is not just another word for doing whatever the US says.
  13. Everything I needed to know about life, I learnt from reading "Everything I needed to know about life" posters.
  14. We have a blind date with destiny...
    ...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster.
  15. Eyes sore and red from reading Slashdot long into the night?
    There's a Visine for that.
  16. If my dad took a photo, would that make him a "papa"-razzi?
  17. Before: 2 Sith, 100s of Jedi.
    After: 2 Sith, 2 Jedi.
    Qui-gon was right. Anakin did bring balance to the force.
  18. Where can I get one of these?
  19. Mental note: If you're going to clone a grand army, make sure the prototype is a good shot.
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