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Journal camperdave's Journal: OldSigs2

The following is a list of sigs I have had, or will have (in no particular order).
  1. Is a Turing test valid if the human is an idiot? (From ivan256)
  2. Lost: one compass. If found, please return to the guy wandering aimlessly in the woods.
  3. The myth ain't busted 'till Savage and Hyneman blow something up.
  4. "Despite being an elegant and technologically sound solution, I think IPv6 will be adopted universally within a few years." - Sybert42.
  5. To destroy Paminella's tower, bake the hall in the candle of her brain.
  6. Honey, I'll be honest with you. If I could think of an excuse that you would buy, I'd use it.
  7. Maple Flu: A disease affecting Canadians; most prevalent when Canada Day (July 1) does not fall on a weekend.
  8. Camping Tip: You can duplicate the warmth of a down-filled bedroll by climbing into a garbage bag with several geese.
  9. Wild berries can be poisonous, or even cause hallucinations.
  10. Camping Tip: In an emergency, a drawstring from a parka hood can be used to strangle a snoring tent mate.
  11. Camping Tip: The guitar of the noisy teenager at the next campsite makes excellent kindling.
  12. Patents force people to work around patents.
  13. I ache therefore I am, or in my case, I am therefore I ache - Marvin the Paranoid Android
  14. When you talk about damage radius, even atomic weapons pale before that of an unfettered idiot in a position of power.
  15. Never ask a Canadian about global warming during the winter. They'll just say, "Bring it on!"
  16. Camping Tip: Bear bells provide an element of safety for hikers in grizzly country. The tricky part is getting them on the bears.
  17. Camping Tip: Navel lint makes a handy fire starter.
    Warning: Remove lint from navel before applying the match.
  18. We used to watch 2D video on a 3D box. Now we watch 3D video on a 2D box.
  19. Why is the sky blue?
    Well, molecules in the air scatter blue light from...
    I asked why, not how.
  20. Tango Lima; Delta Romeo.
  21. It's not how much gold there is, but who's wielding it.
  22. "This is E.G. Marshall inviting you to return to our Mystery Theater for another adventure in the Macabre. Until next time, pleasant dreams?"
  23. If the lessons of history teach us any one thing, it is that no one learns the lessons that history teaches.
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