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Journal penguin_nipple's Journal: today is going better

Ok, I was whining yesterday, maybe I was tired, cranky, pms'ie...whatever.

Ported the win32 version of my project to Linux today, thank the gods I don't have to work in windows for a bit. I mean I have done everything I can to customize my win32 environment, from litestep, xeamcs, gvim, cygwin tools (complete install). So it kinda looks like I am working in a unix'ie environment. But it's just functionally to different to make completely comfortable. I am accustomed to a POSIX system. It's how I think, how I enjoy working, everything about it makes me feel in control of the system. Which may be a perceptual thing, however I don't think it is. I have far more control over my Linux or BSD box than I ever have had or ever will. The thing I like is my window manager switching capabilities.

If i want a nicely integrated desktop, I use KDE, antialiasing and everything. If I am debugging code, I switch to blackbox, no distractions minimal resources. If I am compiling a kernel, I go into text mode and have all my fun tools to while away the time, mpg123, lynx, licq console...

I know I am a junkie but there are some valid reasons here.

When I code, I am always in debug mode until ready for some kind of release. VC++ has a bad debugger, IMHO anyhow. The code should run the same through a debugger as it does on it's own. However I have noticed some remarkable differences between the two 'configurations' in Windows. I also have the fairly frequent IDE crash in VC++.

In my opinion, DDD or even kdbg are superior systems for debugging, I can more detailed, accurate information from these two debuggers.

As a developer (ie code monkey) by trade, I do not have the luxery of working in specifically one OS. Wish that were the case, however , one of the reasons I have a love affair with QT is the portability. I can develop 95% of my app in Linux. A superior development platform and port changes to win32 later.

I could care less about GTK. Say what you want, it was a kludge then and it's a kludge now. I don't mind GTK apps, in fact i like them. But the framework is flawed and needs revision.

For what it's worth QT was initially designed properly and continues to grow due to those design decisions. A wonderful real world example of software engineering and it's future implications.

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today is going better

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