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Journal BrianRaker's Journal: AMV Goodness here I come!

Sometimes I wonder about myself.

After about a week of goofing off and about 48 hours of hardcore editing, I've completed my first anime music video. I must say, two things stand out when making this video. Use of pre-edited footage makes the editing a bitch sometimes, and I miss, but don't really miss the old A/B edit system I'm used to using. Ah, the fun of popping in and out SVHS and 3/4-SP tapes all day long, remixing and mixing down the audio on an 8-track ADAT, and only being able to do A/B transitions. Nope, no roll-editing here. But I do *really* miss the controlls. Being able to 'punch-in' and 'punch-out' your edit points, using the jog/shuttle wheel to quickly find what you wanted to mutiliate. Ah, those were the days. Maybe once a job is secured I'll go looking around to see if someone has made a decent edit controller that works with Premiere. Then I would be happy :) And a nice big-freaking RAID setup, 120gb doesn't go too far today :)

Besides, who ever liked swapping out SVHS and 3/4-SP tapes all day long? :p

Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
