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Journal DaytonCIM's Journal: Friday is for Jumping The Shark 1

Do you think John Travolta will ever make Battlefield Earth 2?
An update to Moonpie's nemesis, Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher: his podcasts are ok. Some parts are genius, laugh out loud funny, while other parts are clumsy and sometimes uncomfortably not-funny. Since they are free and IF you have the free time, I say download them and give them a listen.

If you hate them, then I do have Wil Wheaton'Âï½Â(TM)s address.
I just read that Travolta is making Battlefield Earth 2: Electric Boogaloo.
SuckerPunch opens today. Vanessa Hudgens is definitely worth the ticket price. Little Gabriella is alllll grown up.

(wow I just read that back and I am CREEPY).
On tap today
John Denver - Greatest Hits
Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real - Brando's Paradise Sessions
(This band is amazing... I saw them a few months back and they rocked the house. Pick it up and give 'em a try, you won't be disappointed!)
The Psychedelic Furs - All of This and Nothing
Bill Withers - Lean On Me - The Best of Bill Withers

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Friday is for Jumping The Shark

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  • I am so looking forward to seeing that.

    The only way another Battlefield Earth movie could get funded is if the scientologists fully bankrolled it and I don't think they'd throw away that much for something no one would see. Could be wrong, but that's my guess.

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
