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Journal snowgirl's Journal: Quote of the Day 18

âZ"[T]he truth is that privilege always lies with the majority. They're so used to being catered to that they see the lack of catering as an imbalance. They don't see anything wrong with having things set up to suit them, what's everyone's fuss all about? That's the way it should be, any everyone else should be used to not getting what they want." --David Gaider

This is regarding the seeming imbalance of options for Straight Male Gamers in Dragon Age 2, and a response to someone suggesting that there be a "No Homosexuality" menu option.

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Quote of the Day

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  • You could solve it simply by setting up a community where a different group was the majority.

    Odd how that option NEVER occurs to minorities these days.

    • That could be a problem when different communities try to occupy the same space at the same time. Why should I have to move if people don't like my pink house? Majority rule is mob rule, maybe a bit slower moving, but a mob just the same.

      • That could be a problem when different communities try to occupy the same space at the same time. Why should I have to move if people don't like my pink house? Majority rule is mob rule, maybe a bit slower moving, but a mob just the same.
        Uh, yes, that's the POINT. There's a reason why the minority is the minority.

        • Okay, I'm just saying that a majority needs to learn the concept of coexistence as opposed to isolation, segregation, bigotry, extreme polarization, and imposition of its will. The present situation is a dictatorship, in the market and in government.

          • For the majority of humanity, asking them to " learn the concept of coexistence " as opposed to " isolation, segregation, bigotry, extreme polarization, and imposition of its will" is asking for a reversal of genetic personality traits that took two million years of violence to breed INTO the human race. Instead of attempting to go against evolution and genetics, wouldn't it be smarter to design appropriate barriers to simply keep the majorities from attacking each other or minorities, and let those whose

            • Well, the truth is we really don't have a choice. Nature will follow its course regardless. I don't have any real illusion of changing that. Though I do look forward to a technology that can neutralize all weapons.

              If the borders don't come down, they should at least be made a bit more "fuzzy", instead of this hard line we draw now. The hard line can be use to direct where the taxes go. Eh, there I go again, discussing something over which we have no real control.

              • What we more enlightened also forget, is that there is a reason WHY the human race evolved bigotry; and the hard line is much more necessary than just used to direct taxes. When done correctly, the hard line also assures the small businessman of the lack of competition he needs to get started. The hard line assures that once the small businessman is started, he's not going to lose everything to a roving band of Mongols circling the town on horseback then burning everything to the ground and killing everyb

                • ...the human race evolved bigotry...

                  Bigotry is simply an 'evolved' form of a natural animal xenophobia. Humans have only failed to outgrow what was already there. It sure didn't come from 'multi-culturalism'. In fact they use their 'rational' brain to serve and strengthen their instincts. Hence the bigotry, which becomes racism, which ultimately leads to attempted extermination. Most cultures would get along just fine if the elders didn't keep coming out and preaching their hate. You don't see the children

  • The site you linked to never completes the page request for me, so I couldn't get to the context of it, but even so the quoted statements are untrue. The 2nd thru nth, which are merely speculation about how some unnamed, (inter-)heterogenous majorities think, I can only say that it is my opinion that these statements are wrong. For example the Religious Right on what the govt. calls "marriage". I bet that these otherwise homies of mine full well sense the imbalance and know that it's discriminatory, it's ju

    • It's so much simpler than that. Privilege goes to the person standing behind, or directing the gun, not in front of it. Everything depends on the mood of the person with their finger on the trigger, they are usually a fair weather "friend" at best. They might be influenced by fancy oratory and all that human mush. They might not. But we are at their mercy. The rest can constitute nothing more than observation and opinion.

    • You make a compelling case, and I'm somewhat inclined to agree. Males are not the majority, yet they have male privilege. Whites in South Africa under Apartheid were an extreme minority, yet still had an enormous white privilege (same in many other parts of Africa, like Zimbabwe, and Rwanda).

      The rest of the argument still remains though... those who have privilege are so accustomed to it that they see a fair playing field as an imbalanced playing field. They are so accustomed to the distorted field, that th

  • Read that from the link on PA the other day. Bioware's point was obvious: these male characters have the potential to have developed love interests, so why not allow heroes of either sex to take 'em up on it? They've already done the code on it. Out of the 4 possible romance plots in DA1, two were hetero-only and 2 were bisexual. So what's the problem?

    Haven't bothered to play DA2 yet, but I tend to play female characters, and I don't see how any homosexual advance would be more creepy than getting hit on by

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
