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Journal GargamelSpaceman's Journal: The Man in the Mirror. 1

In a previous journal entry, I said:

A former Hillary Clinton supporter, and current Barack Obama supporter, I like McCain more than I like most Republicans. Part of me might almost be tempted to vote for him except... Well I like Barack's Health Care Plan better..

I guess I had hope that it might eventually morph into something more along the lines of Hillary's plan. I've had a bit of a sea change in my view of how the world works. I still would have voted for Barack Obama because of fear of Sarah Palin being VP though.

I have to look in the mirror and see that I am as easily manipulated as the Christian Right because I am pretty much their opposite on social issues. I will vote against their agenda because they terrify me. This effectively nullifies me wrt opposing any other issue the democrats may be being paid to support ( cf, Obamacare ). As long as the Christian Right votes Right, I will vote Left.

What to do?

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The Man in the Mirror.

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  • If we don't start respecting the constitution, then it won't mean a thing. Many oppressive regimes that do not respect rights at all have constitutions that sound in spirit much like the US constitution.

    Pick a few and read ( or at least skim ) them.

    How seriously we take the constitution, matters much.

    Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich have spoken about how we're going to end up with an Imperial Presidency if the constitution isn't followed with respect to war powers for instance. I think Ron Paul's foreign pol

UNIX is hot. It's more than hot. It's steaming. It's quicksilver lightning with a laserbeam kicker. -- Michael Jay Tucker
