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Journal kriston's Journal: Bootstrapping compilers 1

This evening I'm building OpenJDK 7 for FreeBSD and it requires me to install an older version of Java to build this version of Java. It reminds me of when we would use the Solaris compiler to build a nominal version of gcc and then use that gcc to build gcc again, and then use the built gcc to build the final gcc a third time.

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Bootstrapping compilers

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  •     Ahh, I remember those good old days. Compile, wait, compile, wait, compile again. On the machines I did it on, it was a 2 day project. I'm so happy that distributions are so much better at getting updates out in a timely fashion. That, and I keep a fast machine handy to compile things when necessary. :)

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
